Go Goa ----- A perfect holiday destination
It was fun while it lasted, before it happened, and even after it was done. I am talking about my trip to Goa. It was much needed relief from the work life which tried its best to turn me into a lifeless robot.
It started on a promising note, planned as a trip with 7 people ended up with a group of 4 adventurous guys (Me, Srinu, Ravi and Malli).
It started with some witty comments about my physical appearance (i look good though ;)) that continued for quite sometime. None of us expected what was in the package ahead in our journey. I had a memorable 3 hours of my life, which will be cherished all through my life.
It was journey through the western ghats of our country from castle rock to madgaon. One should see it to believe it, there were valleys, water falls greenery all through, enough tunnels to make us realize the importance of light once we experience the darkness. It was a great moment in my life. It sounds like an exaggeration but should experience it to believe it. It reminded me of a scene from the lord of the rings.
We reached Madgaon at 6:30pm, we were helped by an old man, he came down to receive his son in law (he was our co-passenger), he lent his car to drop us at the local bus station. It took us almost an hour to reach Goa. Once should experience the worst to appreciate the mediocre. That was the feeling i had after I saw the Goan administration managing its transport services when compared to hyderabad’s RTC.
Me and malli were very adamant at going to a pub, disco in particular that night. It was a Saturday day, I was expecting good crowd, little did we guess what was going to happen. We landed at tito’s one of the famous pub around. We were stopped at the entrance as the stag’s were not allowed that night. Goa has a weird rule of not allowing vehicles between 12am to 5am. So we were stuck at the place. The pub was close to the baga beach. Srinu and ravi went to the beach, me and malli went to a near by bar to get couple of beer and breezer. The scene at beach was as expected couples all around the place, deeply immersed in the romantic bliss. Being from a Bschool this was not new for me (I did not experience it but I have at least seen it ;( ), Ravi a Casanova himself did not find it anything new, Srinu with his character did not even notice that there were couples around, and the guy left was malli. Our malli was frustrated looking at guys around enjoying with their partners and pitying about his state, cursing the people around. This made him drink 2 vodka’s large. Things were out of control for malli, barged into every girl in his sight, and enquired if she is ok to give him company to enter into the pub. Tried his guts out to convince couple of girls, but then he realized that he was not alone; he was with 3 other hopeless guys and gave up the effort of convincing girls. Our first day at goa ended in that fashion, returning to our place at 6 slept enough and woke up at 1 pm.
Next day we went to calangute beach, as we stepped into the beach to our horror saw 5 people drowning. The fisherman around went into the sea to bring back the people who were drowning, they managed getting back 3 people, the other two were missing. We carried a guy from shore to the ambulance which was some 300mt away. We left the beach in pensive mood, thinking about the incident, thoughts about life and death, elders advices and others filling our empty mind. That was our second day at goa. The trip till now had extreme highs and lows; it was complete black and white emotions that we faced.
Next day we again went to calangute and near by beaches, went to fort aguada, the dil chata hai location, it was an amazing location. The same day we left to pune, reached the place at 7am.
Reached Lonvla from pune at 2pm, it was drizzling when we reached there, it was 3 -4km walk from the station to the waterfalls. Once we reached there the weather turned overcast it started raining heavily. Stayed back at a place for almost an hour. Then started trekking to reach the top of the waterfall, it was very slippery. The locals out there were running with slippers and sandals while 4 of us with sneakers of adidas, nike, lee cooper. were finding it hard even to walk. Finally it took us almost an hour to reach a decent height (if one can call it so).
That is how it ended, it was certainly fun while it lasted, it was a much needed relief from work. I enjoyed it. i hope my next trip would be better. should choose between karnataka and kerala for my second trip. lets wait and watch.