Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Blasts from History

This is one of the earliest blog entries i wrote during my placements.
Relying on my consultancy skills (copy and paste), i am writing it here again.

learnings during my placements
Its all about time, a global statement but a very practical quote.
Things I learnt
1. Its the process you undergo matters and makes you stronger, more learned than the end result.
2.Made me aware of the different adverse situations one will face in the real world.
3.I came to know about my true friends, people whom i can trust my life on.
4. People can facilitate or guide you to take a decision but its you who will and have to take the final decision as you know about your capabilities better than others.
5.Resist to get into emotional trap.
6.I realised that i can talk logically under pressure.


Ramya said...

uhm, about point 6....are you saying you dont talk logically the rest of the time? :p

Praveen Kandanala said...

yes ramya,
you got it spot on, that was the logic i was talking about