Recently i have been observing that my conversations either end or start with discussions about a healthy life style, maintaining a good physique. I am not sure if i am following the general trend or
this is something inherent.
Its all load shedding around (cant take 'work' out of my mind), everyone wants to bring down weight and become fit, may be that has influenced to think about it. Unfortunately my interactions have been restricted to my colleagues. During these interactions we end up talking about reducing weight building muscles. I never ever in my life counted the calories before or after the meal, but now i am being careful. May be its just temporary, but i started jogging and exercising daily. I don't see slightest of difference in my appearance but certainly it feels good. I hope i can sustain this in future.
quick tip:- STOP EATING JUNK !!
ok dude.
jogging feels good dude..
its the feel good factor that matters more.. the weight reduction will follow over time!
yeah! these days, not a single day passes without a fitness related conversation. its enough to turn any sane person crazy! do you know, in my office, even birthday cakes are left over because most people are on a diet. it falls to the lot of yours truly to finish it off!!
Kudos ramya but despite that how do you maintain your physique.
i guess i burn all that by that by expending my energy on talking ;-)
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